Friday, September 10, 2010

Alrighty then!

So grandma left yesterday. She is going on an adventure with her friends for like two and a half weeks. So I got the house to myself!!! WoooHooo… just kidding its SCARY!! But I stayed at Sarah’s house last night, so its not scary yet. Grandma’s cousins Barbra and Louise are coming and staying the night here tonight because they are going to a conference thing today and tomorrow at Anaheim Stadium so they are staying here tonight… I have met them a few times, but it was at like big family events, but everyone keeps telling me good luck… so Im a bit worried. Hahaha Should be interesting.

So my week! Last Sunday and Monday I just relaxed and worked on my resume and hung out with grandma. Then Tuesday I had school and came home and… worked on my resume. Then Wednesday, Auntie Jan had surgery so grandma was at the hospital all day. Tanya called me that morning on my way to school to see if I cold come over after school to help her with the twins. So I hurried through the day and went over there. They are so cute. I love hanging with them. Even when they are screaming their heads off they are cute. I was there until 9ish. Grandma got home like 30 minutes after me.

Little Gio! So cute!

And Scarlett! The little princess

Sleepy time!
Back and Forth and Back and Forth

So i was changing Gio's poopie diaper, and i cleaned him all up and then i put the clean diaper under him and... he pooped again, ALL OVER the clean diaper! Good thing babies are cute. lol

On Sunday they had pictures taken of the twins, they turned out really good. There are some really funny ones.

Thursday… yesterday I went to Sarah’s and hung out there after school and just got home a little bit ago.

Ok so update on that girl from school, the one that I feel uncomfortable around, my mom gave me permission to not talk to her anymore and I’m aloud to be rude to her if I have to!!! The first time in my life my mom has ever told me I’m aloud to be rude!! WooHoo I didn’t know I was aloud to just say hey I don’t want to hang out. So she texted me on Thursday and was like, “hey I know you have free time today at 11 so do you want to hang out?”… (OK, creepy, she knows my schedule)… so I was like, “Not really” then she was like, “OK, well then what about Saturday do you want to hang Saturday? I’m going to this concert thing want to come?” And I was like, “Not really” Then she was like, “I miss seeing you when can we hang out?”… (Ok, creepy, I don’t even know her) so I was like, “I’m going to be busy pretty busy from now on” lol and she was like, “Oh ok well when can we start a Bible study?” so I was like, “Well probably never” hahaha… (She doesn’t take a hint) So she was like, “oh ok well if you ever want to hang out let me know” then I was like, “K” Then that was that!! Hahahahaha It’s just all odd to me, and she makes me feel so uncomfortable. I love that im aloud to just say Go Away Crazy Lady… but in a little nicer word’s. She’s 25 years old, you would think she would have friends to hang out with… other then me! So yeah I don’t have hang out with her!